

MeMe -- Erin "Kerry" Blackwell, who celebrated her 3(mumble)th birthday on June 20th, the day we left.

j-thumb (6K)John "BinDaddy" Blackwell - beloved husband, orchestrator of the trip. (Named BinDaddy for the number and orchestration of the bins stashed in the camper)

CaseyCasey "Little Dog" Blackwell -- a toy fox terrier and Canine American Princess. Casey almost has a Mickey Mouse in spots -- like Minnie Moo -- but his left ear never grew in. You have no idea how much we cheered for that ear! It even started coming in, but didn't. (See picture)

MorganMorgan "Big Dog" Blackwell -- American mutt, and our hugging dog.

Transportation and accommodations:

Aztec and Popup camper
  • Taking our popup camper to Fort Wilderness, pulled by John's equally loved Plymouth Aztec with a Mickey Mouse window decal on the back and "Been there, done that, going back" license frame

  • Stay in Fort Wilderness, Hickory Hollow, Site 1716

  • Trip report overview:

    I did this trip report differently than the others. The webmaster at pocketdisney.com offered the ability to make audio trip blogs through his site. I loved the idea and I had a good time listening to these again when I put them on the site.

    Big grin

  • I slept all the way through Georgia.
  • We ask for a preferred pet site -- meaning a cable TV hookup -- but they say they don't have one for our full stay. We could have our non-cable site, then move on Monday to a cable site. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah tip of the day! John replies logically -- no since it means too much unpacking and packing -- while I try to jump and down and catch the Cast member's eye.


  • John thinks we have the wrong sight, that someone is in ours and we're in 1717. I thought maybe we're just reading the signs wrong, like they're after the sight, not before it.


  • One of the worst trips down ever! Traffic, rain -- it took 10 hours to go from Jersey to NC instead of the usual 5. And then instead of 12 from NC to WDW, 13.5. Ugh Still, better than the trip where we blew a tire in a rain storm.

  • Teenagers in their golf cart are speeding around, taking turns to fast, hitting brakes at the last second. They almost hit someone. Someone -- either Disney or parents -- finally shut them down.

    Best Pal Mickey moment

  • We turn Pal Mickey on in Virginia, to have a corny joke to lighten our mood in traffic. Just as we pass a sign talking about George Washington as an important figure in Virginia, Pal Mickey tells a George Washington joke! Hmmm.... how far do those transmitters work?!
  • Read Day 1

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